Friday, June 8, 2012

Very IMPORTANT: What do the numbers on bottom of bottles indicate??

Hi Friends,

Very IMPORTANT read till the END and also let your friend/family know about it if you care them….

Has been thinking from many days about the numbers below plastic bottles we use. Hence I browsed the internet and came across some valuable information to be shared with all my friends.
What made me to write this was: A word RUMOR: "Bottles with Plastic Recycling Numbers below "5" Release Cancer-Causing Chemicals"
To find if it is true I searched hundreds of sites….

Every plastic bottle has a number (generally within a triangle) written at the bottom, ranging from one to seven. Now this claims that the number indicates how many times that particular plastic is recycled in reverse order.

In reality the number registered has nothing to do with the number of times plastic have been recycled.  It's just the type of plastic which is used for that particular bottle. 5 is polypropylene and 1 is PET that is polyethlyene terephthalate etc etc.


All plastic bottles, when reused, are subjected to high levels of bacteria due to contact with hands and mouths, creating moist conditions that encourage bacteria growth. According to a study of water bottles at one elementary school, the bacteria levels were high enough that health officials would have issued boil-water advisories had the samples come from the tap. Water bottles can be washed with warm soapy water and allowed to dry before being reused. But the process of washing and agitation has been shown to damage the structure of the bottle, causing release of chemical compounds.

Very IMP port: Ideally, the best way to drink water would be an aluminum or stainless steel reusable water bottle, as they seem to exhibit the least amount of health concerns out of all the choices.

I mean really, plastic water bottles are ridiculous....
1) Destroying the environment
2) A waste of money

Add in the fact that they can be used over and over again with no degradation and do not need to be recycled each time you use one, they really are the "green" choice. And since upwards of 40% of bottled water is just tap water in disguise, buying it seems like not only a health risk due to the plastic leaching possibilities, but also a wallet risk due to wasting money on something you already have at home!!

The numbers below is useful while sorting the collected bottles while recycling. In other words it is plastic identification number.

1 – PET, polyethlyene terephthalate --- These are Single use PET or PETE bottles
2 – HDPE, high-density polyethylene
3 – PVC, polyvinyl chloride
4 – LDPE, low-density polyethylene
5 – PP, polypropylene
6 – PS/PS-E, polystyrene / expanded polystyrene
7 – OTHER, resins or multi-materials

Do you all People still have no other option but to use PLASTIC??

As said by: Professor Michael Moore on 27/10/2010 who is also Chair of Water Quality Research Australia.
If you want to err on the side of caution, Moore suggests you avoid drinking bottles that have the recycling codes of 3 or 7, particularly for children.
To summarize, plastics #2, #4 and #5 are generally considered safe. 2 and 4 are made from polyethylene and 5 are made from polypropylene. 


To know more one of the best site I thought is:

You take care and keep in touch!!!

Best Regards,
Ravinder Puranam

"If u can't be a pencil to write anyone's happiness, try atleast to be a nice rubber to erase everyone's sorrows…………"

Think green - keep it on the screen. Save Trees, do not print until very required...

"Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money". Let's join hands to save earth!!