Almost all of you might know Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple located in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. The same Temple where 5 out of 6 underground vaults (Kallaras) / secret chambers were opened recently.
This revelation has solidified the status of the Padmanabhaswamy temple as one of the wealthiest temples in India and with the final estimate of the wealth, it might overtake the Tirumala Venkateswara Temple—hitherto thought to be the wealthiest temple—having some 320 billion (US$7.14 billion) in gold, coins and other assets. It is estimated that the value of the monumental items is close to 1.2 trillion (US$26.76 billion), making it the richest temple in the world. If the antique value is taken into account, these assets could be worth ten times the current market price.
The 6th vault is yet to be opened....
All this information came only because the secret chambers were opened.
Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple gave its name to Kerala’s state capital Thiruvananthapuram. ‘Thiru’ ‘Anantha’ ‘Puram’ means Sacred Abode of Lord Anantha Padmanabha. This city is also known as Ananda Puram and Syanandura Puram meaning City of Bliss.
I belong to Smarta Velanadu (Telugu) Brahmin Community and it gives me immense happiness for being so.
Smarta Sampradaya is a liberal or nonsectarian denomination of the Vedic Hindu religion which accepts all the major Hindu deities as forms of the one Brahman, in contrast to Vaishnavism, Shaivism, and Shaktism, the other three major Hindu sections, which revere Vishnu, Shiva, and Shakti, respectively, as supreme. The term Smarta refers to adherents who follow the Vedas and Shastras. Today I would like to tell you about the Ananta Padmanabha swamy vratha which we are doing every year almost since more than 7 to 10 years.
I like lord Shiva (Lingam, who is the creator and symbol of Man & Women) and worship all lords since we believe all Hindu deities as forms of the one Brahman.
Anantha Vratam (Anant Padmanabha swamy vratha), is a Pooja to Lord Vishnu observed on Anant Chaturdashi.
In 2011, Anant Vrata or Anant Chaturdasi was on September 11. Anant Vrata is performed on the fourteenth day in Shukla Paksha of Bhadrapad month. In some places if people were not able to perform this vratha on fourteenth day in Shukla Paksha of Bhadrapad month due to any issues, they would perform it on the day of dussehra.
The vratham was on Sunday and we started from Chennai (My current work location since June 2011) to Hyderabad (My home town and where my Parents - my only younger brother family are there).
Previous year we went to Pooja from Bangalore (where I used to work before June 2011).
Ananta Vratam is dedicated to Lord Ananta Padmanabha Swamy, who is Lord Vishnu appears in Anant Sayana form, reclines on Ananta (Aadi Seshu – Snake Anant). Anant vrata is performed by married couple for marital bliss.
Ananta Vratam has to be observed for 14 consecutive years by married couple for their long and everlasting bond of love and affection.
Devotees of Lord Vishnu believe that worship of Lord Vishnu in the form of Ananta Padmanabha, will remove their sorrows. The word ‘Ananta itself gives the meaning - endless. Endless joy and happiness is provided by performing Anantha Vratham.
The legend of the Anant Vrata Katha is mentioned in several Puranas. According to some legends, Lord Krishna suggested King Yudhishtira to observe Anant Vrata for 14 continuous years to get rid of his sorrows and to bring back his wealth and kingdom that he lost in gambling game of Kauravas.
Anantha Daaram – Sacred thread of Anantha Vrata:
The important ritual of Anant Vrata is tying the Sacred Thread, Anant Daara, to hand. The performers of Anant Vrata place the Anant Daaram along with the idol of Anant Padmanabha to sanctify the thread. Anant Daara is worshipped along with the Lord by showering kumkum, turmeric powder, flowers and akshatas and all other Pooja things. Ananta Daara is made of 14 strands which indicate the 14 years of the observance of Anantha Vratha. In some places people prepare it of 14 knots.
After performing Ananta Vratham, women tie Anantha Daaram on their left hand or wear it on their neck, men on to their right hand.
In some regions, devotees prepare an idol of Lord Anantha Padmanabha swami with Durva (Garika or Darbha) grass blades and worship the Lord with placing it in a bamboo basket.
After Pooja, there is some 3 pages story of the lord, after which Naivedyam (varieties of food items) is offered to the lord, songs are sung, after taking the teertha/prasadam we have our lunch.
Once the Pooja was completed we started back to Chennai since need to join back to office as well my kids had 1st term exams (UKG anyways).
It was really Happy time at home we have done our Pooja with family members and prayed for peace, Harmony and prosperity in our lives.